Not sure what the “SJW” (for lack of a better term) ideology has to do with Marxism. Most of the “check your privilege” crowd don’t know jack about Marxism and virtually never talk about class. They mostly seem to be narcissistic, bullying liberals who fancy themselves to be radical, but in the respects pointed out by this article are actually reactionary. I do think it’s accurate to characterize many of them as post-modernist.
In general, I agree with the main sentiment of this article that the SJW “cult” (which is a term I think we should avoid using, btw) is socially destructive and an impediment to building a strong, powerful movement for social justice. I do reject the implicit pacifism here, though, and think there are circumstances where violent extremists on the right need to be confronted forcefully, and that college students and other affected groups do not have to tolerate institutionally sponsored bigoted speakers (Milo, Charles Murray, Richard Spencer, etc.) in the name of “free speech.”