A “dictator” who has been elected twice in elections that international observers unanimously evaluated as free and fair, who allows the opposition press to freely publish stories calling for the overthrow of the government, who allows people like Guaido to roam the streets freely calling for the US to intervene and overthrow the government, even though he has a history of participating in violent demonstrations? If there were Americans openly calling for the overthrow of the US government and actively soliciting foreign intervention for that purpose, you damn well know they’d be thrown in jail and probably sentenced to decades in prison. And in US ally Saudi Arabia, people are beheaded just for demonstrating against the government at all. You are unbelievably full of shit calling Maduro a dictator.
It is also remarkably dishonest of you to claim that Maduro is keeping aid out of the country or preventing food from reaching people. Yes, of COURSE the Venezuelan government kept “aid” out from the country that is trying to overthrow its government and has imposed draconian sanctions that are the main reason why Venezuela so badly needs aid, because they are aware that the US has used phony offers of aid to countries in the past as a ruse to smuggle in weapons to mercenaries trying to overthrow their governments. They have also allowed in aid from every country or institution that has offered it that isn’t supportive of the overthrow of their government. Here is one example: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-venezuela-politics-redcross/international-red-cross-steps-up-aid-operations-in-venezuela-idUKKCN1PV1WC You could Google many other examples of aid Venezuela has received from other sources recently. But I think you know perfectly well that what you are saying isn’t true; you are just spouting these lies and hoping people will believe you. Go away.